Bluetooth speakers may harm your furry friends | Technology News

Bluetooth speakers may harm your furry friends | Technology News

Bluetooth speakers have become a lot more accessible and convenient over the last few years, which is why they’re found in most households. However, if you’re a pet parent, a Bluetooth speaker might do more harm than good. According to a recent study by Genodea Bluetooth speaker can “unintentionally have a harmful effect on the well-being of their pets.”

Humans and pets (cats and dogs) hear audio frequencies at different ranges. While we can hear audio frequencies in the range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz, pets, especially cats, can hear up to 65 kHz, while dogs can hear up to 45 kHz, as reported by Fear Free Happy Homes. This simply means, our pets can hear noises that we cannot.

A Bluetooth speaker emits an idle tone at an ultra-high frequency of over 23,000Hz, which is inaudible to humans, but both cats and dogs can hear it. This idle tone can cause anxiety, disrupt their sleep patterns, and could potentially damage their hearing.

Experts say continuous exposure to these high-frequency sounds can lead to changes in behavior and health problems in pets. The issues can range from scratching and restlessness to more serious problems like anxiety, aggression, and even irreversible hearing loss.

The report also suggests that some of these problems can be mitigated by following certain practices, which include positioning the speakers away from the pet’s sleeping area or favorite spot, limiting the usage of Bluetooth speakers, and completely turning them off when not in use. Additionally, adjusting the frequency of a Bluetooth speaker if possible and looking for the mentioned signs in pets to reduce their exposure to the Bluetooth idle tone is also recommended.