Male mammals aren’t always bigger than females

The idea that male mammals tend to be larger than females has been scientific dogma since Darwin. Bigger bodies, the thinking goes, are better in the battle to win the attention of choosy females.

Turns out, that dogma may need updating.

In just over half of roughly 400 mammal species, females equal, or outweigh, their male counterparts, researchers report March 12 in Nature Communications. The persistence of the larger male narrative, the scientists say, reflects biases in the scientific literature that has existed for over a century and has constrained biologists’ understanding of how sexual selection works.

Illegally trafficked African hedgehogs seized by police in Victoria

The discovery of two illegally trafficked African pygmy hedgehogs in Victoria has sparked a nationwide investigation by authorities.
The animals were seized from a property in Richmond, in Melbourne’s inner-east, leading officers to uncover a large illegal trade network of exotic animals.

Crime Stoppers Victoria and Agriculture Victoria are investigating where the two hedgehogs came from, but say they aren’t the first to be found in the country.

This is a file image of an African pygmy hedgehog. (Getty)

Illegal hedgehogs have previously been found in Queensland and New South Wales.

Crime Stoppers Victoria Chief Executive Stella Smith said online

Unparalleled intake of more than 200 cats and kittens from single property expected to drain BC SPCA resources

The BC SPCA is preparing to take more than 200 cats and kittens into its care from a single home in Houston, BC Despite the Society’s extensive experience and unique position within the province to be able to support large animal intakes, one of this size and nature is exceptional and will draw extensively on all the organization’s resources to care for these animals in need.

“There is so much coordination and resource allocation that goes into caring for a number of cats this significant, especially given that many of them are very young kittens,” explains Eileen Drever, senior officer,

Endangered red panda among 87 live animals seized from smugglers at Thailand airport

Bangkok — Thai customs officials have arrested six Indians for attempting to smuggle a red panda and 86 other animals out of the kingdom, including snakes, parrots and monitor lizards, officials said Wednesday.

The illicit menagerie was discovered hidden in the suspects’ checked luggage at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport as they tried to fly to Mumbai.

Thailand is a major transit hub for smugglers in the illicit wildlife trafficking trade, who often sell the animals in China and Vietnam, although recent years have seen an uptick in trafficking to India.

“We have found out that the animals include 29 black throat